Category: Uncategorized

Where to start a tech startup

Very interesting info-graphic on tech #startups. While most would associate this topic with Silicon Valley, there are many other places to look at.. Interested in hearing from those who can comment about doing a start up in New York or Boston vs Silicon Valley or elsewhere. Image compliments of Biz Brain

The ROI Of Social Media Marketing: More Than Dollars And Cents

SOURCE: Forrester Research Blog “Augie Ray’s Blog” Brands are making plenty of money in social media:  Dell Outlet’s Twitter account has generated millions for Dell, the Intel Channel Voice community has decreased costs by eliminating the need for expensive in-person events and P&G used media mix modeling to demonstrate that the…

Forget Social Media ROI

Are you tracking social media ROI? If so, you’re part of a small minority. Currently, there’s a lot of talk about social media ROI and monitoring, which by itself is an indicator that social media marketing is maturing. That doesn’t necessarily translate to action, however, since there’s a lot of confusion…

Facebook has little effect on what you buy online

While Google is “super nervous” about the growth of Facebook, here’s one data point to put the search company at ease for right now. According to a Goldman Sachs survey, social sites have very little influence over online shopping decisions. Search engines, and recommendation engines have a much greater influence.

VIDEO: Assessing value of your lead database

Nice summary piece by LeadSloth for assessing the vale of your leads. SourceComplexity of sales processRecencyActivity level – leads who respond to what you sendFatigue – list fatigue or too much email/promotionsOpportunitiesFit with ideal customer profile

5 stages of an Integrated Digital Marketing Life Cycle

I like this article from Socialmediatoday not only reviewing the stages of integrated marketing but touching on the disconnect between organisational expectations and time frames for returns vs. what the customer’s expectations are. According to this piece, the process is said to take 2 years! Considering the high turnover workforce, how many…

Social Network Ad Spending to Approach $1.7 Billion This Year

6.7% of all US online ad spending to go toward social networks this year Social network advertising is getting renewed attention in 2010. The US’s gradual economic recovery, combined with marketers’ incessant focus on reaching consumers in social media, has led companies to make big increases in social network ad…

IBM Buys Unica – Marketing Analytics play

IBM is making some exciting moves into the marketing and analytics space. They have already purchased Cognos (TM1) and the SPSS statistical software company. Now they have also acquired UNICA, a company offering software my colleagues have termed as a more usable mechanism for conducting sophisticated analytics and predictive modeling. Unica…

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