Tag: roi

Here’s Why Agencies Have To Buy Online Ads To Go With TV Ads

Source: Business Insider October 1, 2011 (With research sourced form Nielsen) Advertisers talk about the need to do cross channel marketing and publishers have caught on late to this. This chart is a message for publishers as to why they need to invest in cross channel delivery of content and…

When it comes to Marketing Twitter destroys Facebook

SOURCE: Business Insider | Eunju Lie | Dec. 13, 2010, 10:29 AM Facebook makes up 78% of all social media traffic; Twitter is a measly 5%.  Despite the market share, a study by Social Twist says using Twitter for marketing is the better bet. After analyzing more than one million links on both platforms, researchers…

The ROI Of Social Media Marketing: More Than Dollars And Cents

SOURCE: Forrester Research Blog “Augie Ray’s Blog” Brands are making plenty of money in social media:  Dell Outlet’s Twitter account has generated millions for Dell, the Intel Channel Voice community has decreased costs by eliminating the need for expensive in-person events and P&G used media mix modeling to demonstrate that the…

Forget Social Media ROI

Are you tracking social media ROI? If so, you’re part of a small minority. Currently, there’s a lot of talk about social media ROI and monitoring, which by itself is an indicator that social media marketing is maturing. That doesn’t necessarily translate to action, however, since there’s a lot of confusion…

The Future of Direct Marketing looks bright

Considering the industry it’s in, it might sound strange to say that direct marketing has an image problem. But, it does. It’s not cool or hip or seen as the next big thing. Direct marketing, widely known as DM, is often confused, misused and marginalised by many in the advertising…

Coca Cola reduces ad spend 6.6% for Social Media

“This article shows evidence that Coke ‘gets it’ with social media. It’s not about start and stop promotion tactics, it’s about long term engagement. The willingness to cut ad budget shows a focus on overall return.” Rick, MyCMO ARTICLE ———– The Grocer recently published its Top 100 advertisers report and showed…

Podcast: 10 Tips for Generating New Prospects

Source: MarketingProfs.com 10 Tips for Generating New Prospects Podcast “Marketing firms should have 8 to 10 clients on the roster,” says David C. Baker, president of ReCourses, a business consultancy working exclusively with small marketing firms. They also should assume they will turn over their client base completely every two to…

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