Tag: market research

Here’s Why Agencies Have To Buy Online Ads To Go With TV Ads

Source: Business Insider October 1, 2011 (With research sourced form Nielsen) Advertisers talk about the need to do cross channel marketing and publishers have caught on late to this. This chart is a message for publishers as to why they need to invest in cross channel delivery of content and…

Hidden Persuaders II

Source: The Economist (Schumpeter) September 24, 2011 A marketing guru reveals some of the secrets of his profession VANCE PACKARD was the Malcolm Gladwell of his day, a journalist with a gift for explaining business to the general public. But in his 1957 classic “The Hidden Persuaders”, he out-Gladwelled Gladwell.…

When it comes to Marketing Twitter destroys Facebook

SOURCE: Business Insider | Eunju Lie | Dec. 13, 2010, 10:29 AM Facebook makes up 78% of all social media traffic; Twitter is a measly 5%.  Despite the market share, a study by Social Twist says using Twitter for marketing is the better bet. After analyzing more than one million links on both platforms, researchers…

Do friends influence purchases in a Social Network?

Harvard Business School Case Study (Working Paper) February 26, 2009 ——- Here is an interesting find on twitter (rt@agotthelt), which looks to be a working paper aimed for publishing as one of the those famous Harvard Business School Case Studies. This is an academic paper with a scientific approach and…

Chart: Monthly voice and text usage by age

How long until schools are organizing D.A.R.E.-like anti-addiction programs to get kids off texting? Kids Text Every 10 Minutes When They’re Awake American kids under 18 send and receive roughly 2,800 texts per month, according to Nielsen, or about 93 per day. Assuming 7 hours of sleep per night, on average, that’s about…

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