Nice blog post and spirited discussion debunking old sales techniques and illustrating what works today. This article takes the interesting step of blurring the line between both B2C and B2B marketing.
Sometimes what seems like common sense ends up being genius because no one actually executes this properly. Buyers are getting smarter and successful businesses will adapt.
The problem is that sales guys and rockstars are trying to hang on with techniques detrimental to trust as I wrote about in this post Social Media: What not to do with sales. For a bit of humor, watch this clip of the salesman’s last stand with this speech by Dwight Schrute in The Office Famous scene (video) from The Office.
The die hard sales culture, with all of its allure, remains a stumbling block for applying common sense, but I am all for selling through trust building as a path to trust, relationships and sustainable revenue.
– Rick S.